Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Final Year

After realising this was my final year in Birmingham, lying-in on weekdays till 11am and justifiably being able to drink bottles of wine costing £2.39, i decided to lay down some shots of my final undergraduate year.
We've stayed in the same house as last year, stuck with the same insect infestations, tempermental shower and contaminated kitchen. Yet as much as I complain, it was almost refreshing to come back from a 4 month summer break at home (where the kitchen is pretty much at Barrett show-home standard) to find the boys had neglected to clean the tin-opener for the whole of last term, leaving the mechanism clogged with a mixture of rancid tuna juice, fruit cocktail syrup and Heinz bean sauce. I always get a juvenile feeling of satisfaction at coming back to our Harrow Road house to find the recycling box filled with the dregs of last weeks binge and enough Fosters cans to earn a fiver from the aluminum yard.

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